Blue Lake
- Summary:
- For most vehicles, Blue Lake Road terminates at the top of a hill overlooking Blue Lake. For an intrepid few, it continues down a switchback to the edge of the lake. There is also a short path up to an overlook of Blue Lake Dam accessed via a small parking area just before the end of the road.
- Distance and Time: 4 miles (round trip)
- Time varies depending on the mode of transportation. It may take 10-15 minutes to drive, 20-30 minutes to bike, and 30 minutes to an hour to walk up to the overlook with a similar amount of time needed to get back.
- Difficulty: Moderately Easy
- Elevation Change: Moderate
- The first section of the road is a significant uphill stretch. This is followed by a more level portion before the road goes downhill towards Blue Lake Campground. The road from the Campground area to the Blue Lake overlook consists of another sizable hill.
- Many individuals may find the hills strenuous to bicycle up. Some may find it strenuous to walk up.
- Route Finding: Easy
- The trail up to the dam overlook is not too difficult to find where it starts in a small parking area just before the Blue Lake overlook. It’s a short walk up the hill to a chain link fence where you can peer through to see the dam below.
- Trail Condition: Very Good
- In late winter and early spring avalanches may completely block the road.