Green Lake
- Summary:
- Green Lake is approximately 7 miles from Herring Cove along Green Lake Road. Public access along Green Lake Road is by foot or bicycle traffic only. The road follows the shoreline of Silver Bay affording views of the bay and the surrounding mountains. There is light vehicle traffic from both the hydroelectric facility and the Medvejie salmon hatchery at Bear Cove.
- Distance and Time: 14 miles; 2-4 hours (round trip on bicycle)
- Allowing time for brief breaks and a brief look around the hatchery, a person on bicycle may be able to do the round trip in one hour without difficulty.
- Difficulty: Easy
- Elevation Change: Moderate
- There are a few moderate hills along the road that some bicylists may prefer to walk up. All but the highly fit individual will probably find it advisable to walk at least part of the way up the last hill before Green Lake. Walking the hills should not prove overly difficult for most people.
- Route Finding: Easy
- Follow the road past Medvejie Hatchery at Bear Cove. There is a fork in the road near the end, with the left fork leading up to Green Lake and the right one going to the hydroelectric generating facility.
- Trail Condition: Very Good
- Although the road is not maintained for public access, it is maintained for regular vehicle access. The typical hybrid or mountain bike should have little trouble and the hiker even less.
- In winter the road may be icy.
- Seasonal Notes
- Spring
- Mountain peaks covered in a deep layer of snow dominate the views.
- The herring spawn often brings an abundance of wildlife.
- Summer
- Wildflowers are abundant
- Bear scat is often visible along the road. The bears are not seen as often proably due to frequent passing of people.
- Mid to late summer brings the return of the salmon to Medvejie Hatchery.
- Some species of song birds frequent the alders that grow thick along the roadside.
- Fall
- Late fall often brings snow to the higher elevations surrounding Silver Bay. There is something special about the look of the first snow of the year on the mountain peaks.
- Winter
- Deer may walk along the road to avoid deeper snow.
- Green Lake may be frozen.
- The amount of snowfall tends to increase towards Green Lake
I worked on the construction of Green Lake Dam and Powerplant back in 80-81. I appreciate being able to see pictures of how it looks now. There aren’t many others out there that I have found. Thanks!